$450 including slip lead, long line, place cot and 1 month follow-up communication.

$50 Rescue discount.

We will lay down the foundation for basic commands like sit, down, place, leash manners, heel and recall as well as your puppy’s understanding for rules and boundaries around jumping, mouthing or barking. We do this through obedience exercises and with something I call, "Structured Play". 

We will continue to schedule sessions as needed following this first package until we are in maintenance-mode. I recommend another series of sessions when your dog moves from adolescence to adulthood (6mo - 1yr). 

You will receive handouts for reference, and support by phone or email during the entire process.  

Follow-ups can include narrowing in on specific troubleshooting — or, special requests such as teaching your dog to run, bike, hike with you or, simply how to be calm in public spaces. 

Once you are an established client, you will be invited to regular small curated group work such as Pack Walks and other types of socialization which are an affordable way to continue training your dog into adulthood and beyond.

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